Transportation and Parking Information
Two Rivers Park is conveniently located on the River Trail and within walking and biking distance to a variety of locations throughout town. For safety purposes, vehicles parked in a "no parking zone" or anywhere along Devereux Rd. or the shoulder of Devereux Rd. will be ticketed and/or towed at the owner's expense.
Parking in the Two Rivers Parking lot (west side of the park) is by PERMIT ONLY or for persons with disabilities with an identifying placard or license plate. ADA parking is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. ADA Van Accessible spots are very limited, so please do not park in one unless needed.
The closest FREE festival parking is available at the city parking lot located on 7th St and the lot adjacent to City Hall on 8th St. FREE parking is also available throughout downtown and at Glenwood Springs Elementary School, Glenwood Springs High School, and the Glenwood Springs Mall. Please refer to the parking map for other available options.
NEW!! This year, we will have a complimentary shuttle service with The Valley Hopper for festival attendees. Two, 14-passenger vehicles will run continuously Friday, Saturday and Sunday dropping off and picking folks up at the Two Rivers Park.
Shuttle Hours:
Friday, 4-10:30 p.m.
Saturday, 10 a.m.-10:30 p.m.
Sunday, 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Pick-up and drop-off locations are:
- Glenwood Springs High School in the south roundabout.
- Glenwood Springs Mall behind the existing bus stop.
- Two Rivers Park roundabout.
We encourage you to ride your bike! A bike parking corral is available at the east entrance of the park. There is also limited bike parking available at the west entrance. Please be sure to bring your own lock and bike light. NO riding of your bike through the festival.
Glenwood Springs Bicycle Advocates will have a table set up in the east bicycle parking area at the park. They will assist with cyclists' needs, i.e., directions, small bike repairs, safe riding tips and more. Be sure to visit them!
2023 Bike Statistics:
A total of 644 people arrive by bicycle!

Trailers can pick up boaters in the boat roundabout at Two Rivers Park all weekend. NO onsite trailer parking is available Thursday, June 20-Sunday, June 23.
The roundabout may also be used for festival attendee drop off or pickup. There is no parking allowed in the roundabout. Please refer to the map for available parking options.
Limited paid event parking is available in the overflow lot at Centennial St. & Devereux Rd for $20. Additionally, as a fundraiser, the Glenwood Springs Historical Society will be parking cars at the Two Rivers Park Plaza on Centennial St. for $20. Spaces at both lots are available on a first-come, first-served basis with no in-and-out privileges.
No event parking at Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park base or Iron Mountain Hot Springs. No parking along Devereux Rd. Cars will be towed at the owner's expense.
FREE RIDE GLENWOOD BUS - Bus Runs Every 15 Minutes During Peak Times
To view real-time information for the Ride Glenwood service from your mobile phone, visit or download the Transit App!
Ride Glenwood will have extended hours during Strawberry Days on Friday and Saturday to 10:30 p.m. During peak times (3:30-10:30 p.m. on Friday and 10 a.m.-10:30 p.m. on Saturday) Ride Glenwood service will operate at 15-minute headways. Ride for FREE from one of the many locations throughout town to the Traver Trail stop and walk to Two Rivers Park along the Devereux Trail Bridge.
Please utilize the following parking lots to take advantage of the Strawberry Days Ride Glenwood Service:
- Glenwood Springs High School (1521 Grand Ave.) servicing stops located between 14th and15th St. on Grand Ave.
- Glenwood Springs Mall (51027 Hwy 6 & 24)
- Glenwood Springs Community Center (100 Wulfsohn Rd.)
The Traver Trail Stop has the following departures:
- Towards Downtown :01 and :31 (:16 and :46 during 15-minute service)
- Towards West Glenwood :06 and :36 ( :21 and :51 during 15-minute service)
ADA Complementary Paratransit Service hours will also be extended to match these Ride Glenwood service hours for eligible paratransit passengers.
Schedule and stop locations are available at